Reham Anwar

Mrs. Riham Anwar

Kindergarten Headmistress

I started my teaching career back in 1992, teaching Kindergarten and first grade, using different national and international curricula, and participating in school administration for the past eight years.

I joined Smart School Administration as Kindergarten Headmistress in May 2018 after sensing the school’s great potential and the school administration’s strong will to provide a unique educational system in a province that most needs it.

Smart School educational system is British and Montessori based. In Kindergarten, we’re using playful learning methods that motivate our little learners to be involved in the learning process and help them reach their maximum potential. Our students are viewed as unique individuals who have different needs and abilities. We provide ongoing training and guidance to our teaching staff in a fully equipped learning environment. We make sure it contains all needed learning resources and is monitored by a well-established assessment system.

Smart School Team believe that School and Parents have to work hand in hand for our students’ welfare. We always do our best to keep our parents involved by participating in school events, parent parent\teacher conferences and providing them with a variety of means of communication.

Students’ health, social, emotional, and academic development and welfare are always our primary target.

Best regards,
Riham Anwar
Kindergarten Headmistress
Smart School

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